
How to Create an Effective Video Pitch for Investors

Written by

Enrico Tan

Published on

February 13, 2023
Camera for Investor Pitch Video for startup
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Pitch videos have become an increasingly important tool for pre-seed startups looking to secure investment. In a world where investors are inundated with pitches and proposals, a well-crafted pitch video can help a startup stand out from the crowd. But what exactly is a pitch video, and how can it help a pre-seed startup secure investment?

At its core, a pitch video is a short, engaging video that introduces a pre-seed startup and its product or service to potential investors. It typically includes a brief overview of the company's mission and vision, as well as a demonstration of the product or service in action. The goal of a pitch video is to give investors a clear understanding of the startup's value proposition and why it is worth investing in.

Creating an effective pitch video requires careful planning and attention to detail. From choosing the right visuals and music to crafting a compelling narrative, every aspect of the video should be designed to capture the viewer's attention and communicate the startup's key messages. By investing time and resources into creating a high-quality pitch video, pre-seed startups can increase their chances of securing the investment they need to grow and succeed.

Key Takeaways

  • Pitch videos are a powerful tool for pre-seed startups looking to secure investment.
  • A pitch video should provide a clear overview of the startup's mission and value proposition.
  • Creating an effective pitch video requires careful planning and attention to detail.

Understanding Pre-Seed Startup Investment

Pre-seed funding is the earliest stage of investment in a startup. It is the initial funding round where investors provide capital to the startup to develop its product in return for equity in the company. This funding round precedes seed and series A rounds and may follow funding from an angel round or a period of bootstrapping with your own funds. Pre-seed funding typically raises between $50,000 and $250,000.

Venture capital firms and angel investors are the primary sources of pre-seed funding. Venture capitalists are professional investors who manage funds that invest in startups with high growth potential. Angel investors are typically wealthy individuals who invest their own money in startups. They are often more willing to take risks than venture capitalists and may invest smaller amounts of money.

Read more about the key differences between venture capitalists and angel investors.

Pre-seed fundraising is important because it provides the capital necessary to develop the initial product or service and to validate the startup's business model. It also helps the startup to attract seed and series A funding by demonstrating traction, market demand, and a solid business plan.

Seed funding is the next stage of investment after pre-seed funding. Seed investors typically demand that the company demonstrate some sort of traction. Seed funding can raise as much as $2.5 million to $7.5 million.

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The Importance of a Pitch Video

A pitch video is an essential tool for startups seeking pre-seed funding. It is a concise and engaging way to showcase the business idea, team, and potential to investors. Potential investors are more likely to watch a pitch video than read a lengthy document, and it helps to make a personal connection with them.

A pitch video allows startups to present their story and passion in a dynamic way, making it easier for investors to understand the goals and motivations of the business. It also helps to set the startup apart from other businesses seeking funding, as it allows them to showcase their unique selling points and vision.

Investors often make investment decisions based on perceived passion in a startup pitch, and a pitch video is an effective way to demonstrate that passion. It also helps to build credibility and trust with potential investors, as it shows that the startup is serious about their idea and willing to put in the effort to create a professional video.

In summary, a pitch video is a crucial component of a startup's pre-seed fundraising efforts. It helps to showcase the business idea, team, and potential in a dynamic and engaging way that sets the startup apart from other businesses seeking funding.

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Creating an Effective Pitch Deck

A pitch deck is a crucial tool for pre-seed startups looking to secure investment. It's a visual representation of the startup's business plan and should be designed to capture the attention of potential investors. Here are some tips for creating an effective pitch deck:

  1. Keep it concise: A pitch deck should be no more than 10-15 slides. Each slide should be simple and easy to understand. Use bullet points and visuals to convey information quickly.
  2. Tell a story: A pitch deck should tell a story about the startup's journey, from the problem it's solving to the solution it's offering. Use the pitch deck to showcase the startup's unique value proposition.
  3. Use data: Investors want to see evidence that the startup has done its homework. Use data to back up claims and show that the startup has a deep understanding of its market.
  4. Highlight the team: Investors invest in people, not just ideas. Use the pitch deck to showcase the startup's team and their expertise.
  5. End with a call to action: The pitch deck should end with a clear call to action, such as requesting a meeting with the investor.

By following these tips, pre-seed startups can create an effective pitch deck that will help them secure investment.

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Essential Elements of a Pitch Video

Startup Pitch Deck Checklist

A pitch video is an excellent tool to showcase a pre-seed startup's vision, mission, and product. It is a chance for the founders to convey their message and persuade potential investors to fund their startup. Here are some essential elements that a pitch video should have:


The pitch video should start by highlighting the problem that the startup is trying to solve. It should be clear and concise, and the founders should explain why this problem is worth solving. The video should demonstrate that the problem is significant and that it affects a large number of people. By explaining the problem, the founders can grab the investors' attention and make them interested in the solution.


After explaining the problem, the pitch video should introduce the solution that the startup is offering. The solution should be innovative and unique, and the video should explain how it solves the problem. It should also highlight the benefits of the solution and how it can make a difference in people's lives. The founders should also explain why their solution is better than the existing solutions in the market.


The pitch video should showcase the product and explain how it works. The founders should demonstrate the product's features and how it can solve the problem. They should also highlight the product's uniqueness and how it stands out in the market. The video should also explain how the product can be scaled and how it can generate revenue.

Business Model

The pitch video should explain the startup's business model and how it plans to generate revenue. The founders should demonstrate how the business model is sustainable and how it can adapt to changing market conditions. The video should also highlight the startup's competitive advantage and how it can stay ahead of the competition.


The pitch video should showcase the startup's traction and how it has gained momentum. The founders should explain how they have validated their solution and how they have acquired customers. They should also highlight any partnerships or collaborations that the startup has secured.

Market Conditions

The pitch video should explain the market conditions and how they affect the startup's growth. The founders should demonstrate how the market is growing and how it presents an opportunity for the startup. They should also explain how the startup can adapt to changing market conditions and how it can stay ahead of the competition.

Product-Market Fit

The pitch video should demonstrate the startup's product-market fit and how it has identified its target audience. The founders should explain how they have validated their solution with their target audience and how they have received feedback. They should also highlight how they plan to expand their reach and how they can cater to different customer segments.

Market Size

The pitch video should highlight the market size and how it presents an opportunity for the startup. The founders should demonstrate how the market is growing and how it presents a significant opportunity for the startup. They should also explain how they plan to capture a share of the market and how they can scale their business.

In conclusion, a pitch video is an excellent tool for pre-seed startups to showcase their vision, mission, and product. By including these essential elements, the founders can grab the investors' attention and persuade them to fund their startup.

The 3 Why's

When creating a pitch video for a pre-seed startup investment, it's important to keep in mind the "3 Why's" that investors will be looking for:

1. Why this problem?

Investors want to know that the problem the startup is trying to solve is a real and significant one. They want to see that the founders have done their research and can articulate why this problem matters and how it affects potential customers.

2. Why this solution?

Once investors understand the problem, they want to see that the startup has a unique and effective solution. They want to know what sets this solution apart from others in the market and why it's the best option for solving the problem.

3. Why this team?

Finally, investors want to see that the team behind the startup has the skills, experience, and passion necessary to bring their solution to market successfully. They want to know that the team has a clear vision for the future of the company and the drive to make it happen.

In the pitch video, it's important to address each of these "Why's" clearly and concisely. Using visuals, data, and customer testimonials can help to strengthen the pitch and make it more compelling to potential investors. By addressing these three key points, a pre-seed startup can increase their chances of securing the funding they need to bring their idea to life.

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Navigating the Investment Landscape

Navigating the investment landscape can be a daunting task for pre-seed startups. There are various options available, such as venture capital firms, accelerators, and incubators. Each has its own unique set of benefits and drawbacks.

Venture capital firms are a popular choice for startups seeking investment. They typically invest in early-stage companies and provide funding in exchange for equity. However, they often require a high level of due diligence and may take a long time to make a decision.

Accelerators and incubators are also popular options for startups seeking investment. These programs provide funding, mentorship, and other resources to help startups grow. However, they often require startups to give up a percentage of equity in exchange for their services.

When seeking investment, it is important to have a clear understanding of the investment landscape and the various options available. Startups should research potential investors and understand their investment criteria, as well as the terms and conditions of any potential investment.

In addition to understanding the investment landscape, startups should also have a solid pitch video and pitch deck. These materials should clearly communicate the startup's vision, market opportunity, and growth potential. They should also address any potential risks or challenges.

Overall, navigating the investment landscape can be challenging for pre-seed startups. However, with the right research and preparation, startups can find the right investors and secure the funding they need to grow their businesses.

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In conclusion, creating a pitch video for a pre-seed startup investment can be a valuable tool for entrepreneurs looking to secure funding. The video should be concise, engaging, and provide a clear explanation of the startup's concept, market opportunity, and team.

When creating a pitch video, it is important to keep in mind the target audience, which is typically investors. The video should be tailored to their interests and highlight the startup's potential for growth and profitability.

Additionally, entrepreneurs should focus on creating a strong narrative that captures the essence of their startup and connects with investors on an emotional level. This can be achieved through storytelling, visual aids, and a clear call to action.

Overall, a well-crafted pitch video can help pre-seed startups stand out in a crowded market and increase their chances of securing funding. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this article, entrepreneurs can create a compelling pitch video that effectively communicates their vision and attracts the attention of potential investors.

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A business pitch video should include the following key elements: Introduction: Introduce yourself and your business. Problem: Identify the problem your business solves. Solution: Explain how your business solves the problem. Market: Describe your target market and its size. Competition: Highlight your unique selling proposition and how it differentiates you from your competitors. Financials: Provide a summary of your financial projections and funding requirements. Call to Action: Clearly state the next steps for the viewer.

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A pitch video for pre-seed startup investment should be no longer than 3-5 minutes. It should be concise and to the point, highlighting the most important aspects of the startup and its potential.

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The focus of a pitch video for pre-seed startup investment should be on the problem the startup is solving, the unique solution it offers, and the potential market opportunity. It should also showcase the team's expertise and experience, as well as any traction or milestones achieved.

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Common mistakes to avoid in a pitch video for pre-seed startup investment include being too vague or generic, focusing too much on the product or technology rather than the problem it solves, and not showcasing the team's expertise and experience.

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Effective ways to showcase traction in a pitch video for pre-seed startup investment include highlighting key metrics and milestones achieved, showcasing customer testimonials and case studies, and demonstrating product usage and adoption.

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