
Liquidity Event


A liquidity event is a financial milestone that allows investors to convert their equity into cash. Common examples include mergers and acquisitions (M&A) or an initial public offering (IPO), where shares become publicly tradable, giving investors a chance to “cash out.”

Why is a liquidity event important for investors?

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Liquidity events provide investors with the opportunity to realize returns on their investments. Since early-stage investments are often illiquid, a liquidity event is essential for turning their equity stake into cash.

What types of liquidity events exist?

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The two main types of liquidity events are IPOs, where shares are listed on a public exchange, and M&As, where the company is acquired by another firm. These events are generally seen as “exit opportunities” for investors.

How does a liquidity event impact a startup’s founders?

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Founders may benefit financially, but a liquidity event often shifts ownership and may impact the startup's direction. It’s an important milestone that signals growth and maturity.

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